Though they know God's decree that those who do such things deserve to die, they not only do them but approve those who practice them.
- Rom.1:32
The notion of exacting more severe punishment for a 'hate' crime requires the deification of government bureaucracy. That is to say, it requires one to ascribe to government authorities the divine attribute of knowing the inner workings of the human mind, of judging not only the criminal's behavior but the feelings which inspired that behavior.
But, as a god, our government is woefully incompetent. So, rather than really discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart, it can only assume that crimes committed against certain individuals must be necessarily inspired by hatred, and therefore more heinous. Such assumptions are bound to be wrong most of the time.
Being a worshipper of the living God, I despise false gods. So I feel compelled to deliberately defy this latest arrogance.
Does our lordly government now call it a crime to hate homosexuals? To hate homosexuality? To hate sodomy? Well, then, I have a few statements to make very openly and defiantly:
- Homosexual acts are sins against nature.
- Sodomy is one of the few sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance. (Gen.18:20-21)
- Homosexuality is intrinsically disordered, and no government authority can legitimize it.
- Homosexuality, like most addictions, is difficult but not impossible to cure.
The point is, I fear the true God, and earnestly seek to agree with Him. If the government now considers that a crime, bring on the handcuffs. Truth is truth. Those who oppose God's truth are fools, and deserve no respect, regardless of their political power.
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