Monday, December 4, 2017

next-blog, take 2

NOTE: As of early September 2017, the original CyberJerry websites are kaput, due to a hosting service 'upgrade'. Therefore, all links herein to,, and are broken. Many (not all) pages may now be found at

Soon after writing the last article, my hosting service bailed out on me, so I lost my website and the new blog there was dead, along with all other pages. Took a bit of scrambling to find a more reliable hosting service and rebuild the more frequented pages on a new server with a new domain name,

So, to repeat that post, I've started a new blog. No, I haven't switched to a Wordpress blog or some other platform. I mean my own blog platform - server database tables, webpage layouts, blog scripts, etc.

The url is and its sister blog in Spanish Give it a look, tell me what you think.